Monday, April 7, 2014

Patangasana - The Kite Pose

'Patang'  means Kite..  In this asana, the body looks like that of a kite flying in the air.  So the name of this asana is Patangasana.  The patangasana strengthens the back, hips and legs.  The patangasana is also very good for balancing and good for concentration.  The asana improves the coordination of the nervous system with the musculoskeletal system.  Let us see how to practice patangasana.
Taking the asana position
  • Be in standing pose.  Exhale and while inhaling stretch hands sideways and bring them horizontal to the ground up to the shoulder level
  • Exhale and lower the upper body ( torso) until it becomes parallel to the ground.
  • Slowly raise the left leg from behind till it forms a straight line horizontally with the body
  • Breathe normally.
  • The right leg is kept stiff and perpendicular to the floor

Releasing the Asana Position
  • Exhale and while inhaling straighten the torso slowly and lower the left leg down to the ground and come back to standing pose.
  • Exhale and release the arms back to the side of the body
You should also practice with the other leg.

 Caution :   If you have high BP, heart disease, or weak ankles,  please avoid doing this asana.

If it is not possible to lift the left leg to the hip level,  it is OK to simply lift the leg as high as possible  while keeping the leg straight.

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