Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How to practice Tadasana - Mountain Pose

Tadasana or the Mountain Pose is one of the most basic of all yoga poses for beginners.  The Tadasana is normally the first post taught in yoga classes and fitness centers.  When you are performing a series of yoga positions, you normally begin with this Tadasana.

The Tadasana or the mountain pose stretches out the muscles..  The best time to perform this pose is when you feel your yoga session has turned a little to intense.  If you perform the mountain pose in between a series of yoga asanas helps you to rest your body and gives time to recover.  It also helps to gain concentration.   Here is a step by step method on how to perform Tadasana.

Steps to perform Tadasana

  • Step 1: Stand straight keeping your feet flat on the ground with your heels slightly apart. The bases of your big toes should be touching. Distribute your weight evenly between both of your feet. You can achieve this by lifting and spreading your toes.. Repeat this till you feel that your weight is evenly distributed and you are completely balanced.
  • Step 2: Keep your thigh muscles firm without hardening your belly. Lift the insides of your ankles ever so slightly so that your feet appear to be cupped. Turn the upper parts of the thighs slightly inwards and lift your pubis towards the navel while lengthening your tailbone. Try to mentally connect your groin to your inner thighs and your torso through an imaginary energy line. This will help you maintain your balance when you are stretching.
  • Step 3: Extend your shoulder blades and arch them slightly towards the back. Keep them stretched and then slowly release them back, but while you are doing that, do not push your ribs forward. Lift your sternum slightly and bring your arms behind your torso.
  • Step 4: Bring the centre of your head directly in line with the center of your pelvis, keeping your chin parallel to the floor. Soften your throat and eyes. Stay in this position for at lease 30 seconds. If you can keep your balance for longer, try to maintain it for about a minute. Continue to breathe easily.

Benefits of Tadasana:

1. Tadasana is the foundation of the all yoga postures. It aligns the body.
2.  It strengthens the knees, thighs and ankle joints.
3.  It corrects the postures.
4.  Tones the abdominal muscles, corrects the flat feet.
5.  This asana coordinates between mind, breath and body

Here is a video showing how to practice Tadasana


1 comment:

  1. When the body starts to send problem signals to the brain, it gets more involved in tackling those problems than deal with the issues that are already there. With a better sitting and standing posture we can negate such problems. To become more productive on this matter it is better to attend regular dahn yoga classes.


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