Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How to practice Hasthashirasana

Hasthashirasana  also called as Hand to Head pose is very easy to practice.   The Hasthashirasana is very useful for fighting the effects of arthritis.  The arthritis patients can be benefited by moving their joints in a slow and controlled manner. Hasthashirasana which is very useful Yoga pose for Arthritis helps to improve blood circulation in the joints and removes waste products and toxins.  But arthritis patients experience pain while practicing movements of their joints. 

How to practice Hasthashirasana

  • Sit comfortably in Vajrasana first.  
  • Now in Vajrasana, bend forward in waist and place both the elbows on the ground 6 to 8 inches apart and ahead of knees with palms supporting the head.  
  • Relax  all the muscles in this posture and continue normal breathing.
  • You can see the posture in the picture shown at the right.

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